Fall and Rise


  1. Very nice pictures.

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  3. That is very helpful. It provided me a few ideas and I'll be posting them on my web site eventually. I'm bookmarking your site and I'll be back again. Thank you again!

  4. Anonymous9:17 AM

    Here's your joke:::
    Military pilot who had sex with an 11 year old boy when he was 17!!!
    A JUNIOR IN HIGH SCHOOL WHO HAD SEX WITH AN ELEMENTARY SCHOOL STUDENT!!! He needs to be on a sexual preditor list.
    How long did he masterbate and think about having sex with boys? In boot camp? Into his flight training? 20, 25 YEARS OLD??? OLDER???
    "Creepy rotten grape attached to an otherwise normal bunch." Joke's on you.

  5. This is an amazing photo man, just saw the rest of your blog and i find that your photos are very cool. Stop by my blog sometime casiansblog.blogspot.com

  6. wow! it's beautiful

  7. What I'm looking... I don't know, but I like it.
