I had dinner with a brutal dictator last night. The 10 year old son of a of a 23 year old woman.
He had a fetish for a sort of crawfish or prawn. Together we kept them on the table in front of us. We put chopsticks in thier pinchers. It looked like they where trying to attack us. I think they may have felt threatened. After the laughter stopped he began to bend the seafood into awkward positions and letting them spring back to form. This ended with the systematic dissmanteling. Each leg was removed and placed in my hand. Then the still moving abdomen was tossed on the ground and stepped on. Being a boy once myself, I saw this all coming but did nothing to stop it. I didnt really care all that much. Is this the nature of things? The big ones eat the little ones? If they make us happy or make us money we give them life?


  1. prawn is a good word.

  2. Prawns in my pants.

  3. Make me dance.

  4. man i don't like the new shins...3 songs

  5. I'm coming to china. Things seem entirely more exciting there. Nothing but dry toast and tea here, well that and busted women.

  6. I knew you would say that.
    Stop comparing it to Chutes to Narrow.

  7. You should come to China Ryan. We have dry toast and our tea is far better. We also have warm beer.
    Oh, I saw a woman with large breasts today too.

  8. Lucky, we have all of those things except the women with large breasts.

  9. no ryan, come to new england....we have zip-lock baggies full of urine!

    (ok....i'm the only one with the urine bags.....sorry....go to china)

  10. did I miss something in the past few months?? what happened to your face- it looks like you got a nose job? And if you did ...that's absolutely fabulous I have secretly always hated your nose-- and if not.... then I would have to say that's not funny! And.. if anyone should be in China with you, it should be me cuz I am the shortest and I could help you blend in with all my fellow shorties-- we have international secret hand signs that we do so low that tall people can't see them! or at least I do

  11. All I have to say Mary....

    Chinese Rhinoplasty hand signal midget porn.
